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Postgraduate Program UNY Provides Students with Editor's Ability and Journal Reviewer
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Friday twenty-second of March, Management and publication of journals are important in the world of campus. The quality and quantity of journal publications are important indicators of campus academic assessment. Bearing this in mind, the management of the Postgraduate Program (PPS) of UNY equips students with journal management capabilities, namely journal editors and reviewers, in the GLB Building, Lt. 3.
Dr. Sugito, MA, as the First Deputy Governor said that journal management skills are important for Postgraduate students. Besides, according to him, this activity also helped the process of developing and smoothing the publication of journals at UNY for students as a requirement for judicial. It is expected that with the training of journal editors and reviewers, students will also help improve the quality of journals at UNY.
"We only try to equip students with experience in managing journals so that they are very helpful both as students and when teaching as lecturers," Sugito said in his speech.
The training program was filled with several sessions. The first session was briefing and introduction to the journal by Dr. Heri Ratnawati, M.Pd as the coordinator of the journal management at Post UNY. In line with Prof. Sugito, Dr. Heri also stressed the importance of knowledge and skills in the world of journals. According to him, the ability to manage a journal can increase one's qualifications or CV.
Then, Heri went on to explain the ins and outs of writing journals in general and several journals at UNY that could be submitted and even edited by students after training by the field of scientific knowledge. He added, with the ability to manage the journal will be very helpful in fulfilling professional obligations. In particular, in promotion especially for a lecturer, the points of publication greatly facilitate the process of increasing performance.
The next session was about the management and management of PPS UNY journals. Syarief Fajaruddin as the manager of UNY's journal said that writing a journal is not difficult. According to him, all journals have the same standard and differ only in their deadlines and templates. He added, the more important thing is students want to write and know the journal criteria to be addressed.
Syarief said that UNY journals needed the willingness and ability of students to assist in the editing and review of journals at UNY, especially in their respective study programs. Because according to him, those who have deep knowledge in the scientific field of journals submitted are the students themselves.
"There are three good journal management, namely site management, journal management, and publishing management. In this process, we need your help, "he said during the event. Also present at the event was Deputy Director II, Dr. Widyastuti Purbani, MA. The training program was attended by all students of the Postgraduate study programs. (Toba/JK/ant)
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