Profil Prodi


Master’s Program in Instructional Technology was officially established in 2002 based on the decree No. 778/D/T/2002 dated 23 April 2002 from Directorate General of Higher Education, Department of National Education. This study program is currently accredited ‘A’ based on the decree No.218/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-XI/M/2013 valid until October 26, 2018 issued by the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT).

Since 2017, this study program has been running a double degree program with NCU Taiwan. Graduates of this program will attain two degrees from both Graduate School, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (M.Pd.) and NCU (M.Sc.). They will possess competencies with international orientation as instructional designers, multimedia developers, e-learning developers, learning resources managers, trainers and also researchers in instructional technology.