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Institut Pendidikan Indonesia (IPI) of Garut visited Intructional Technology Postgraduate Program Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY)
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The delegation of Education Technology IPI Garut visited the UNY Postgraduate Campus on Wednesday, 27th of February, 2019 in purpose for a comparative study and establishing a collaboration with the Instructional Technology of post-graduate program UNY. The delegation included 50 graduate students, IPI lecturers, the head of Educational Technology of post-graduate program IPI, Deputy Director II of post-graduate program IPI, and Vice-Chancellor 1 IPI. They were welcomed by Prof. Dr. Marsigit as the director of post-graduate program UNY, Prof. Herman Dwi Surjono as the head of Instructional Technology study program UNY, graduate lecturers, and graduate students. In his speech, the director of post-graduate UNY said that this comparative study and visit had an important meaning in establishing networking and cooperation in various fields. Meanwhile, the head of Instructional Technology study program delivered some excellent programs such as Dual Degree with NCU Taiwan, the application of Blended Learning, international research collaboration, etc.
Furthermore, the students of Instructional Technology Post-Graduate Program UNY demonstrated several excellent products created by students such as the Interactive Learning Multimedia program, e-books, and other learning products. The works were produced by students through the Computer Learning Programming lectures in semester 1 and Multimedia Learning semester 2. lectures At the end of semester 2, the works will be demonstrated in the Multimedia Product Exhibition. This event is routine every year that is held by students of Instructional Technology Post-Graduate Program UNY.
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