Postgraduate Program Instructional Technology Maintain Accreditation A from BAN-PT

After going through a long and tiring process, finally, the Postgraduate Program in Instructional Technology of UNY succeeded in defending Rank A Accreditation from BAN-PT. Based on BAN-PT Decree Number 3321 / SK / BAN-PT / Akred / M / XII / 2018 concerning Accreditation Status and Ranking of Accredited Learning Technology Study Program in the Yogyakarta State University Master’s Program is determined with an Accredited Rating: A with a value of 375. Head of Instructional Technology study program UNY, Prof. Herman Dwi Surjono, Ph.D. grateful for this achievement and expressed his gratitude to the leadership of UNY, graduate leadership, Host Team, LPPMP internal assessors, PPs Host Team, Mr. / Mrs. lecturers of Instructional Technology postgraduate, Mr. / Mrs. Tendis (finance, general equipment, academic), students, the alumni, the Taskforce Team and the stakeholders. This Accreditation Certificate is valid from 19th December 2018 to 19th December 2023.