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4 Students Completed UNY and NCU Taiwan's Double Degree Program
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Nowadays graduates are needed with competencies and abilities that can compete with current job demands. The Double Degree Program for master's degrees between UNY and NCU Taiwan is one of the collaborative programs between the two institutions that have been running. This program has produced graduates with competitiveness and qualified competencies.
Ayu Nuswantari and Cinthya Indrasyawati are from the Instructional Technology program, then Muhammad Irfan Luthfi, and Rio Nurtantyana are from the Electronics and Informatics Engineering Education program at UNY were students who had participated in this program. The four students entered the Graduate Institute of Network Learning Technology (NLT) department at NCU Taiwan, which is one of the universities with good ratings in Taiwan.
The four students revealed that this program was very useful and very good in its implementation. Ayu explained, that the curriculum and learning atmosphere at UNY and NCU were not much different, it's just that because NCU was strong in its engineering, students were required to study little by little to be able to achieve the expected competencies.
The four students have taken the Oral Defense test directly at NCU and the Live Video Conference in UNY by being tested by each of the three examiners from NCU and two examiners from UNY. The Oral Defense Test which runs for 40 minutes runs smoothly, assisted by Prof. Dr. Wu-Yuin Hwang as the head of the study program and supervisor at NCU. Related to the research theme, the four students carried different themes, for example, Irfan who developed android-based learning multimedia for fraction mathematics, Ayu who developed a synchronous argumentation system, and so on.
This double degree program for a master's degree that has been running smoothly is a consideration for the holding of further programs such as for the Ph.D. program which will soon be closed for the future. It is hoped that this program can improve the quality of UNY graduates. (Ayu/ant)
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